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'후쿠시마'에 해당되는 글 1건
2014. 1. 11. 00:44

Top Scientist: Another Fukushima Quake Would Mean US Evacuation, ‘Bye Bye Japan’

Award winning scientist says another 7.0 earthquake hitting Fukushima would mean US evacuations, ‘bye bye Japan’.


Award winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in a public talk posted online just days ago in saying that in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, it would mean a complete evacuation of North America and ‘bye bye Japan’.



“I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” he said.


As a recipient of 16 significant academic awards and a host of the popular CBC Television program entitled ‘The Nature of Things’, Suzuki was a headline speaker at the ”Letting in the Light” scientific symposium that was focused around water ecology at the University of Alberta. But instead of simply discussing marine or freshwater ecosystems, Suzuki began issuing a very serious warning regarding the future of Fukushima and its overall predicted consequences for the entire planet.


Specifically speaking to the nature of Fukushima’s ticking time bomb, Suzuki began the breakdown of the plant’s numerous threats with stating the very real concept that Fukushima is perhaps the largest threat to both humanity and the planet that we face in the immediate future.


“Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine,” he said before delving into the issue. ”Three out of the four plants were destroyed in the earthquake and in the tsunami. The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is, if there’s another earthquake of a seven or above that, that building will go and then all hell breaks loose… And the probability of a seven or above earthquake in the next three years is over 95 percent.”


And it’s that 95% chance of another seven or above earthquake within the next three years that signals a completely dark scenario. But, as right as Suzuki is on this entire issue, he is also forgetting of another threat — TEPCO’s mission to launch their cleanup operation of the Fukushima site. Specifically, their move to begin the extraction of fuel rods from the fourth reactor at the plant as early as the middle of this month. It is here where we also see yet another looming danger in regards to the cleanup process that is expected to ultimately take decades: the possibility of two rods colliding and generating a massive release of radiation as a result.


Experts like Dr Helen Caldicott have spoken to the media on this subject in the past, stating that:
“Two rods could touch each other in this process which has been done before and there could be a fission reaction and a very large release of radiation.”


Ultimately, the fact of the matter is that the Fukushima plant is teetering on the equivalent of nuclear life support, and the notoriously incompetent plant operators at TEPCO are about to go in and perform surgery. In the event that Suzuki is right, and another earthquake hits within the next three years before TEPCO is able to perform a cleanup (which may very well be even more dangerous) and leads to a complete meltdown, it would absolutely lead to a radioactive disaster internationally — well beyond the United States.


But don’t count on your government health bodies to inform you of the risk, or even tell you how you can better prepare yourself. Instead, they will likely once again start shutting off their radiation counters and raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply. For now, it is up to us to prepare ourselves and our family — making an effort also to also spread the word and call on the public to demand action be taken in Fukushima under the guidance of top independent scientists.


1. 발언자 : David Suzuki - 동물학 박사, 전직 브리티시 콜럼비아 대학의 유전공학과 교수, 환경운동가, 캐나다 CBC TV의 과학프로그램인 The Nature of Things의 사회자


2. 발언날짜 : 작년 11월경


3. 발언장소 : Alberta 대학에서 개최된 Letting in the Light 라는 과학 심포지움의 공개 석상(동영상 참조)


4. 발언내용
1) 향후 3년 이내에 일본 후쿠시마에 진도 7이상의 지진이 발생할 확률이 95%임.
2) 자기가 봤던 어떤 논문에 의하면 1)의 경우 일본은 멸망(bye bye japan)하고 북미 대륙의 태평양 서부 또한 사람이 살 수 없는 곳이 될 것이라 함.


5. 본문의 추가 내용 - Suzuki 박사가 간과한 사실을 지적함
1) 추가 지진 발생 전이라도 도쿄전력의 후쿠시마 원전 봉쇄 작전 중 연료봉이 충돌할 경우 핵분열이 발생하고 광범위한 방사능 누출을 막을 수 없을 것이라 함.
2) 정부의 말을 너무 믿지 말고 정부에 종속되지 않은 과학자들의 얘기에 귀를 잘 기울이라 함.
[위 발언의 내용과 연관된 글]

Is The Government Stockpiling Iodine In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?


2. 내용 : 미국 보건복지부(Department of health and human services)에서 방사능 피폭이 예상될 경우 즉각 섭취해야 하는 방사능 피폭예방제 요오드화칼륨(potassium iodide) 1,400만정(20정x70만갑)을 2014년 2월 1일까지 사용가능하도록 주문함.


3 .위 글의 필자가 보건복지부 조달관계자와 한 통화내용
When Anthony Gucciardi called the procurement office of the Department of Health and Human Services, he was told that the iodide pills were being supplied to pharmaceutical depots and that the 14 million dose figure was “not out of the ordinary” because iodide pills have a shelf life of seven years and that they were bought in bulk to save taxpayer money, adding that the department also bought “millions of doses of flu” in June.


After the DHHS representative denied that the government was stockpiling the potassium iodide for any particular reason, Gucciardi asked, “Do you have any concerns about Fukushima?”, to which he responded, “I have no idea about any of that….there’s no hidden agenda here.”
“So you don’t actually know why you’re buying it?” asked Gucciardi, a question which immediately prompted the official to say “goodbye” and hang up the phone.


- 통화내용 요약
질문자 : 요오드화 칼륨 1,400만정을 구매한 것이 통상적인 구매냐?
정부관계자 : 그렇다. 우리가 6월달에 독감백신도 수백만 정 샀거든?
질문자 : (요오드화 칼륨 알약을 그렇게 많이 구매한 건) 후쿠시마 사태에 대한 우려가 있어서 그런 거 아니냐?
정부관계자 : 그건 나도 모르겠다, 특별히 숨기고 있는 건 없다.
질문자 : 그럼 당신은 그걸 왜 샀는지 실제로는 모르는 거네?
정부관계자 : 굿바이~ (뚜뚜뚜...)
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